CMCP206 双组分AB强力胶粘剂 50ml



CMCP206 Adhesive Filler For Accelerometer Motor Fin Mounts – 50 ml

需要最少的表面准备。粘合不同的基材以及未制备的金属,陶瓷,木材和标准工程塑料。 1小时内功能治愈。最终粘接剂具有耐候性,耐湿性和宽广的温度变化。 1:1配方,易于分配。具有良好的间隙填充能力的乳状稠度。坚韧的快速固化结构胶,对大多数塑料表面(如ABS PVC,SMC,复合聚酯,聚碳酸酯,苯乙烯,PET,玻璃纤维木材,混凝土,陶瓷和金属)具有优异的抗冲击性和耐剥离性。 CMCP206胶粘剂填充剂用于永久安装CMCP205马达散热片安装座。它用于将翅片支架固定在电动机的散热片之间。只需将适当的鳍式安装垫底并注入粘合剂填充剂即可填充间隙以牢固固定。墨盒设计用于CMCP207分配器和CMCP208混合喷嘴。

注意:此项目被归类为有害物质。对于除UPS Ground以外的所有其他运送方式,在运送时将加收60美元的HazMat手续费。该费用包括必需的运输容器和所有必要的文书工作。

  • Anchors the fin mount between the motor cooling fins
  • Requires CMCP207 dispenser and CMCP208 mixing nozzles
  • For mounting CMCP205 motor fin accelerometer mounting adapters

Requires minimal surface preparation. Bonds dissimilar substrates as well as unprepared metals, ceramics, wood, and standard engineered plastics. Functional cure in 1 hour. Final bond resistant to weathering, humidity, and wide variations of temperature. 1:1 formula for easy dispensing. Creamy consistency with good gap filling capabilities. Tough fast curing structural adhesive with superior impact and peel resistance to most plastic surfaces such as ABS PVC, SMC, composites polyesters, polycarbonate, strenics, PET, fiberglass wood, concrete, ceramic and metal. CMCP206 Adhesive Filler is used to permanently mount CMCP205 Motor Fin Mounts. It is used to anchor the Fin Mount between the Cooling Fins of the Motor. Simply bottom out the proper Fin Mount and inject Adhesive Filler to fill gaps to firmly anchor. The cartridge is designed for use with the CMCP207 Dispenser and CMCP208 Mixing Nozzles.

Note: This item is classified as a Hazardous Material. For all shipment methods other than UPS Ground, there will be a $60.00 HazMat Handling Fee added at the time of shipment. This fee covers the required shipping container and all necessary paperwork.



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