
STI的紧凑型加速度计具有与标准加速度计相同的功能,只是体积更小,重量更轻。 它们被设计为适合狭窄的位置,并且由于其较小的尺寸而具有改善频率响应的额外好处。 使用标准的MS 2-Pin连接器,它们可在顶部和侧面出口使用。 STI的终身保修适用。 STI的紧凑型加速度计有现货,可以立即交付。 加速度计延长电缆也有现货,可立即交付。
STI’s Compact Accelerometers have the same features as Standard Accelerometers except that they are smaller and lighter. They are designed to fit in tight locations and
have the added benefit of having improved frequency response due to their smaller size. Using the Standard MS 2-Pin Connector, they are available in both Top and Side Exit. STI’s Lifetime Warranty applies. STI’s Compact Accelerometers are in stock and ready for immediate delivery. Accelerometer Extension Cables are also in Stock for immediate delivery.

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