
STI的双输出加速度计使用3针MS连接器提供标准的100 mV / g振动和10 mV /°C的温度信号。 它们属于1级2区危险区域等级,并提供终生质量保证。 顶部和侧面出口版本均可用。 三(3)根带有匹配MS连接器的导体延长电缆有现货,可立即发货。
STI’s Dual Output Accelerometers provide both a standard 100 mV/g vibration and a 10 mV/°C temperature signal using a 3-pin MS Connector. They are Class 1, Division 2 Hazardous Area Rated and come with a Lifetime Quality Warranty. Available in both Top and Side Exit Versions. Three (3) Conductor Extension Cables with matching MS Connector are in stock for immediate shipment.
