我们的通用应用标准加速度计基于CMCP700系列传感器,分为三类:经济型,通用型和高级传感器。 每个加速度计都完全封装在具有相同尺寸的316不锈钢表壳中,而不管其类别如何。 但是,传感器的规格,许可和连接器选项有所不同。 所有标准加速度计都带有STI的“终身保修”,并且通用传感器和高级传感器均经过1级2区危险区域认证。
Our Standard Accelerometers for General Purpose Applications are based on the CMCP700 Series of Sensors and are comprised of three categories: Economical, General and Premium Sensors. Each accelerometer is fully enclosed in a 316 Stainless Steel case with the same dimensions regardless of the category. However, the sensors differ by its specifications, approvals and connector options. All Standard Accelerometer come with STI’s “Lifetime Warranty”, and the General and Premium Sensors are Class 1 Division 2 Hazardous Area approved.
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