回路供电的4-20 mA输出传感器设计为直接连接至控制系统(PLC或DCS)上的模拟输入卡。 4-20 mA输出在加速度方面与满量程范围成比例,并且能够在远距离传输信号而不会丢失信号。 传感器可提供2针MS连接器,M12连接器或带或不带铠装的整体电缆。
The loop powered 4-20 mA output sensors are designed to interface directly to an analog input card on a Control System (PLC or DCS). The 4-20 mA output is proportional to the full-scale range in terms of Acceleration and are capable of transmitting signals over a long distance without signal loss. The sensors are available with 2 Pin MS connector, M12 connector or with integral cable with or without armor.