STI振动监测的4-20mA传感器是一种加速度计和变送器,结合在一个外壳中。 每个传感器提供一个4-20mA的输出信号,与加速度,速度或温度方面的总体振动水平成正比。 4-20mA传感器可以直接与过程控制系统(例如PLC,DCS和SCADA系统)接口,从而创建了一种低成本,有效的连续监控系统。 所有4-20mA传感器均被批准用于1级2区或1级1区,并带有经过批准的隔离层。 STI保留了所有流行型号的现货,可立即交付。
STI Vibration Monitoring’s 4-20mA sensors are an accelerometer and transmitter combined into one housing. Each sensor provides a 4-20mA output signal proportional to the overall vibration level in terms of acceleration, velocity or temperature. 4-20mA sensors can interface directly with process control systems such as PLC, DCS and SCADA systems creating a low cost and effective continous monitoring system. All 4-20mA sensors are approved for use in Class 1 Division 2 areas or Class 1 Division 1 with an approved barrier. STI keeps all popular models in stock for immediate delivery.